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We all need "me time"

Getting enough downtime as a parent is hard enough, let alone for those who find themselves grieving a loss or providing specialized care 24/7.


We remind parents of children with special needs to come up for air more often by providing ways for them to recharge their batteries through gift cards, activities, self-care, and more!


This is all made possible through the generous donations of time and money from community members like you.

Support group
Candy Cotton

Our Mission.

Provide financial means to enhance family or me time for the parents who tirelessly care for their children with unique needs/and challenging situations including illness and death.

Our Vision.

Assure that special parents who are struggling  are given opportunity to recharge their batteries and return home with a smile on their face!

Your taxable donations will provide valuable family or individual time  to recharge such as dinner out, movies, concerts, massage, pedicure, staycation, medical burdened parents who lovingly uplift their special kiddos 24/7, or have unique family situations such as illness or death.

Some lose their identity in the shadows of those they love and serve.

No matter who you are or what you do, you need to take a break! If not, you add stress to your life; it robs you of joy. You literally owe it to yourself AND your loved ones. There are parents of children with special needs/unique situations, who give and give, but do not have time or  means to replenish themselves-no “me” time.

Self-care and taking breaks are imperative. “It’s like you’re depositing money into a bank and building up cash reserves. To have more to give your child, you have to build up those reserves.” Dr. Rouse

Sometimes we just need time to think, to reflect on who we are. Other reasons are increased productivity, personal development time, prevent burnout, add physical movement for health benefits, improved emotional health, less stress.

Swimming Laps
Rest at nature
Hair Styling
Bowling Romance

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out.”- Dr. Suess

Founder- Diane Bailey Nutz

Upon retiring after 35 years of working with “unique” individuals, Diane's passion for special families has not diminished. Her books on Amazon “Look IN Me-A life shaped by the most overlooked” and “The UP-side of Down-Unlocking hidden gifts” will enlighten and enlarge your understanding of people often ignored in society, with a touch of humor in many of these true life stories. The 2020 Pandemic opened a greater desire for Diane to help parents caring for children with disabilities of all ages, afford time to focus on themselves. Pamper Our Parents  is an essential need in these unusual times.

Pamper Our Parents

dedicated to Karen Jarvis and
her parents Daphene & Wesley

Businesses or individuals who donated $150 or more:

White Mountain Natural Creations
Marriott Fort Collins
Jared & Shanda Adams
Donations in memory of Natalie Kaye New
Garnett Jorgensen
Ryan Klemefson
Rob Duve
Kelvin Geis
Leslie Breen
Nancy Felman
Fuller Window Cleaners
Susan Cobb
In memory of our Savanah Christmas
Dana Dye
Laura Signor

Gwynne Fullmer
Steven and Cathy Moran
Georgia Fregoso
John & Shawna Nation
Phoenix Elements Massage
Matt Callahan
Tempe Feel the Drift
Alice Vander Grift
Tim and Arely Vernon
Chad Bendel
Ginger Beard
Little Caesar's Pizza/Travis
Victor/Painting with a Twist

Bart and Renae Mangum

Joe and Lisa Schmoker

Merrilee Gale


Businesses or individuals who donated $500 or more:
Anonymous Business Owner
Casey & Tiffany Taylor
Joan Glasgow
Donations in memory of Janel Ann Raper
Jeff & Jennifer McCollum

Janice Raper
Donations in memory of Arnie Bailey
Gordon & Victoria Romney
Donations in memory of Brinley Nelson
Nikki Nutz
Star Thrower Associates
Fred & Celeste Bendel
Asher's Dad
Melanee Winters Water & Ice
Story Family Foundation
Tyson Hugga
Candy Thorton Easel Photography
Mesa Chiropractic/Dr. Patterson
Deborah Lemmon


© 2020 by Pamper Our Parents
EIN # 85-1887746

Registered 501 (c) (3)

Arizona QCO code 22374

(Tax credit $421. per person $841. per couple)

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